Maghalie Dooms Design and Styling Studio

Kortrijkse heerweg

As a designer and stylist, my work takes shape from my fascination with materials and techniques and my love of aesthetic imagery. The creative raw materials for my work primarily consist of a vast archive of visual, tangible, cognitive, and auditory elements. As I experiment in the initial phases of the process, I draw from my sensory memory and combine a broad variety of materials and techniques – ranging from artisanal handwork to industrial production processes – to develop the materializing concept. As the prototype evolves, continuous improvement remains key and the mind, hand, and machine is pushed to the limit in an effort to replicate the mental image that sparked the creative fire. The end result then becomes an incremental addition to the ever-expanding archive, broadening the imaginative foundation on which to build future visions.

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design I styling I marketing I consultancy

Maghalie Dooms Design and Styling Studio


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